嘸旦のこころConcept of ‘MUTAN’
私たちは職人です。日々のたゆまぬ修練から生まれるつくり手の幸福感、石蔵の中に眠る過去の膨大な 古作から立ちのぼる職人の息づかいや立ち居振る舞い、そこで交わされたであろう古の職人たちの無言の会話までも紡ぎ、作品として今の時代に表現していきたい。そのような思いからこの空間を「嘸旦」と命名しました。
The word ‘MUTAN’ means silent start, or creation beyond selfness. We are artisans. Our satisfaction from everyday practice, behavior and breathing of past artisans which could be seen from plenty of old works in the stone storage, silent conversation between the artisans; we would like to inherit all these things and express them in our creation at present. Wishing in this way, we named our new gallery ‘MUTAN’.
Here, we would like to convey unknown values of Kutani ware to users directly from artisans, and explore a pleasure of lifestyle with Kutani ware together.

- *数台の駐車場スペース有。
- *ご利用の際は事前にご連絡ください。
- アポイント制
*ご予約は 3 日前までにお願いします。
*1 日 1 組限定
Ishikawa prefecture, 923-0031, Japan
- *Parking lots are available.
Please contact us in advance if you need. - *Please come to the reception at
KINZANGAMA on the day of your visit. - Prior appointment required
*Please make inquiries using the form"Contact"
*Please make a reservation 3 days prior to your visit.
*Available for one couple a day.