Concept of ‘MUTAN’


The word ‘MUTAN’ means silent start, or creation beyond selfness. We are artisans. Our satisfaction from everyday practice, behavior and breathing of past artisans which could be seen from plenty of old works in the stone storage, silent conversation between the artisans; we would like to inherit all these things and express them in our creation at present. Wishing in this way, we named our new gallery ‘MUTAN’.
Here, we would like to convey unknown values of Kutani ware to users directly from artisans, and explore a pleasure of lifestyle with Kutani ware together.

About Building

この地の自然と文化に対する敬虔な思いを表すべく、この石で建築を構築しました。石室のように神聖な内部空間を、トップライトからの自然光のみが照らすという極めてシンプルな構造をしています。私たちの思いを、SIMPLICITY 緒方慎一郎氏が形にしてくれました。

In the place between Japan Sea and Sacred Mt. Hakusan, we creators have established a diverse culture with blessings of nature as well as our own experiences. Kanagaso stone, which has been used for storages or walls since long times ago, is a symbolic material.
To express a reverent feeling toward the nature and culture here, we have chosen this stone to construct this building. The structure is very simple; only a natural light from the skylight throws a light over a sacred space like a stone chamber. We appreciate Mr. Shinichiro Ogata from SIMPLICITY, who has actualized our ideas.
Unfortunately, good quality stratum has been exhausted under rapid changes of the times and artisans have been aging, and as a result ‘MUTAN’ is the last architecture which is built with Kanagaso stone.

About Kutani ware


Kutani ware is considered the highest-grade among ceramics with overglaze enamels. Its characteristics are lively colors, bold pa erns, and delicate paintings, and they are very brilliant porcelains.
About 360 years ago, Ko-kutani (Old Kutani) was born in present Kutani, Yamanaka-town in Ishikawa prefecture. Once it had been abandoned, but production enjoyed a renaissance from the late Edo period to the early Meiji period in the same location. Positively accepting many artisans and techniques from both in and out of Japan, they produce unique overglazing styles of their own, and thus they have continued to evolve over times to the present.

Production of Kinzangama Kiln

錦山窯は、緻密な絵付けを得意とする多くの窯元が集積している石川県小松市高堂町で、1906(明治 39)年に初代吉田庄作が開窯した、金彩技法を特長とする窯元です。初代から伝わる伝統技法を習得した三代美統は、60年前に新しい金彩表現として生み出された「釉裏金彩」の技法を用い、さらに独自の工夫を加え工芸美を極めることで国指定重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)に認定されています。

Kinzangama Kiln was established in 1906 by a founder Shousaku Yoshita in Takando, Komatsu City in Ishikawa prefecture where are many kilns which specialize in delicate paintings. Kinzangama Kiln especially excels in technique of decoration with gold.
The third generation Minori had inherited a traditional technique from the founder, and had acquired a new technique of ‘yuri-kinsai’, which was invented only 60 years ago. He improved this technique with his original ideas, and he was designated as a holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure).
Now Yukio, as the fourth generation of the Kiln, invented an ingenious technique to apply gold decoration over ground which has geometric patterns in carefully-painted pale colors, and thus he established a new world of ‘Kinrande’.
Moreover, his wife Rumico has also pursued a gorgeous world of her own with organic design and intuitive colors.
In addition to traditional technique and innovative trials by these three ceramic artists, Kinzangama Kiln keeps trying to create a new world of colorful Kutani ware, searching for different technique and materials.